Please Note That We Are Cashless.

Day Pass*: $50

10&Under Pass: $25

2024 Season Pass: $400

Spectating or Hiking: $0

Camping*: $13

Premium Camping*: $25

Cabin Access*: $50

Rental Bike*: $50

Rental Insurance*: $15

Rental Gear: $20

Merchandise: $30

Hourly Coaching*: $35

*Pedaling, shuttling, weekday, weekend, half day, or full day, the price is always $50.

*This is the cheapest rental rate in the nation! All bikes are a Norco Sight A2. Watch me ride mine here.

*This includes access to filtered water and porta potties. Private, quiet, forested camping is offered as well with the field camping.

*This includes additional access to electricity and/or showers and toilets. Text 512-653-9872 if you plan on using this bathroom.

*Come sleep in one of the beds at the 3-bedroom cabin at Station Mountain. Kitchen included. Text 512-653-9872 if desired.

*This covers all bike damages.

*This is one of the cheapest coaching rates in the nation! Text 512-653-9872 for more info.





Our shop sells everything from tires to redbull to doritos to pedals.

there are dozens of items to purchase. come see our shop in person!